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Destiny​ series

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"Your Name, Our Fate" 

The night of zero kp in Nordkapp of Norway. The continuous cloudy nights in Lapland told me that I had no option but leaving Rovaniemi. Aurora hunting started from Rovaniemi of Finland to Nordkapp of Norway, from 66.6N to 71N, from Santa Clause Village to The top of the world, from Kp5 to Kp0. 

Fortunately, I saw my lady aurora with green and red dress. I pretend to be Milky Way beside her, and fortunately again, the meteor flied across milky way and between Altar and Vega. 

"It is my fate. No matter how I am, I will be with you." - Anson Pierre (Sep 2017)

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"I Do"

Meteor flew cross the Steve and aurora, in G1 magnetic storm level, in the sky of Nuuk, Greenland. 

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"The Fate"

Meteor flew across the aurora near the milky way under the clear sky in Reykjavik of Iceland in February 2019.   

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"Gemini Meteor Shower Upon Aurora"

Aurora appeared in the night of Gemini meteor shower in Murmansk of Russia in Dec 2018.

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"Legend of The Arctic"

Double meteors and double satellites appeared with northern lights in the sky of Mageroya, Norway.

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"The Promised Land"

Meteor flew to Aurora and Steve in the sunset sky of Nuuk, Greenland. 

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"Milky Corona Aurora"

Chasing aurora with some aurora hunters in Murmansk in 2018. The corona aurora suddenly appeared on Milky Way.  It is really a awesome place in arctic circle.

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"Tell Me Yes"

Lady aurora met the gentlemen Milky way under the kp4 night finally and seems something romantic happened.


When we fall in love, we are destined to meet.

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"The Wave and Her Stars"

It was the night of 95% cloud cover with kp3.5. We chased aurora in Mageroya of Norway, from Nordkapp to Nordkapptunnel. Curtained aurora and Corona aurora appeared suddenly after we discover the clear sky under the arctic weather.

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"Aurora Palace"

This is the night I chased northern lights in Kangerlussuaq of Greenland. Milky Way and aurora with little meteor shine up this paradise.

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Lady aurora met the gentleman Milky way under the Kp4 night finally and seemed something romantic will be happened. 

Aurora hunting between Levi and Kittila of Finland in New Year's Eve of 2020. 

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"Meteor crossing Aurora"

Meteor penetrated the aurora but it seemed to hide behind the flying light. This photo is taken in the G1 magnetic storm level in Nuuk, Greenland. 

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"Lady Greenland"

The lady aurora danced with meteor and satellites in Nuuk of Greenland in November 2019. 

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"Aurora Beyond Peninsula"

Aurora flew between Vega and Altair in G1 magnetic storm level over Nordkapp, Norway.

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"Le Jade dans Tiffany"

The Lady Aurora Tiffany seemed to dance across the Milky Way with jade, from Vega to Altair. Your name is the light. This photo was taken in Kirkenes, Norway. 

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"Mon Destin de lumière"


“It's my fate.

No matter how I am, 

I will come for you.”


"C’est ma destinée.

Peu importe qui je suis 

Je viendrai à toi"

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