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The Songs of Northern Lights series

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Snowy Aurora

G2 magnetic storm in Magaroya of Norway

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The Flaming Phenix

The night of Kp5 in the urban area of Tromso in Norway.

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"Corona Aurora"

It was the night of Kp5.33 in Murmansk in March of 2018. I brought the group of Russian chasing northern lights in their country. Corona Aurora suddenly appeared over our heads. 

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The G1 magnetic blooming of Aurora in Nordkapp (also called "The Top of the World" with its 71 degree North in latitude of Norway, it was absolutely the amazing dance with its songs. 

"Nordkapp and Universe"


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"Danse du ruban d'aurore"

The fantastic dance of lady aurora in the southern sky of Nordkapp, Norway. Orion and Taurus seemed to join this party.  

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Tell Me Yes

Lady aurora met the gentlemen Milky way under the kp4 night finally and seems something romantic happened.

The wave and her stars


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"The Salvation of Crab"

Aurora appeared in the sky of constellation "Big Bear" (the middle of photo), "Crab" (The right hand side) and "Lion". This purple and green aurora stayed in Nordkapp for 15 minutes. 

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Corona Aurora appeared in the sky of Hammerfest, Norway. It was the night of G2 magnetic storm in September, 2017. 

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"Hammerfest Painting"

Northern Lights in G2 magnetic storm brightened the sky of northern city, Hammerfest, Norway. 

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"Twisted Space"

In the night of Kp 6 magnetic level, Green and purple aurora twisted over the sky of Hammerfest, Norway. 

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"Flower of Aurora"

Corona Aurora appeared in the sky of Iceland. 

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"The Flying Dragon"

Aurora flew in the sky of Alta, Norway in 2018. The lake reflected her dance. 

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"Melody of Aurora"

The lady aurora started her show between the stars Altair and Vega in the sky of Nuuk in Greenland

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"Aurora on Fire"

Aurora appeared in the cloudy sky of Aurora village of Rovaniemi, Finland. Aurora penetrated the 100% cloud cover to particate our snow party. 

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"The North On Fire"

The sudden explosion of Northern lights shined the faded sea. This photo was taken in G1 magnetic storm of Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. 


“Flashing back to my season with

a constellation dancing in the sky

snowflakes swirling through the night

May the light of happiness forever stays by your side.”


"Repenser à ma saison avec une constellation qui danse dans des flocons dans l’obscurité du ciel de la nuit.

Que la lumière et la joie t’accompagnent pour toujours"

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